a not-necessarily improved tweak of the previous thing

Perhaps I disappoint you
when I admit a storm growls
in my most private pit of my stomach.
Well it does – the storm I mean –
stirring a storm. After those months
of classroom safety, well, here I am,
first call, and can’t help wonder
about the real existence

of tangible evidence when we
enter into that place. Shall I look
without one wince or flinch if
I must place my gaze on one
who has committed a trespass
oh so utterly foul? Please pray I not choke
in that time. True, in our training
we trained as though we did not train

but did handle true blue items
of incrimination strung to acts
that the ordinary citizenry,
those we know as the good people,
should never be forced to know of
in detail – yet now to see this is all
very real and there may be
actual substances these hands shall touch

and to imagine it possible
these nostrils may suffer so,
well, I guess I hope the report
turns out to be an innocent mistake
on behalf of the informant,
especially one alerting us
from anonymity. Yet I know
I cannot escape experiences.”

So a lieutenant who more or less
babbled inquired of the major
at the wheel and who had served in
Salvation Squad long enough to forget
what it was like to be a sapling
and green as April or May
on a neighborhood beat keeping all ears

and eyes open for signs of a fool
committing an immoral deed.
For this babbling newbie
Salvation Squad lieutenant
wasn’t just any babbling newbie
Salvation Squad lieutenant.
This particular Salvation Squad
lieutenant was a sprout freshly

pushed fluffy but not too fluffy
because to be too fluffy was a sign
one entertained the darkest
of all emblems and levels
agreed across the board as born
from the oldest agents of darkness
– anyway, this fresh and safely
fluffy lieutenant of late
a graduate from the mightiest

academy – its might no
coincidence for its motors
were minds of men who seldom
laughed or even let themselves chuckle;
meaning they meant serious
business though not so much
business as in selling products
and hoping to bring customers
an innocent moment of happiness;

no, this academy’s stout foundation
and stalwart walls rose in stony
erections for the sake of training up
a moral core on the order
of an army numbered with ranks
made numb to echelon analysis;
able and eager to squelch flesh
philosophies that long ago

corrupted golden traditions,
but at last (or alas for they
who assumed they could continue
to do as their ancestors did)
the mystical pendulum swung
from that which for so long was to that
which for a dark and humor-free age
had to be. All pleasures had to come
under microscopic scrutiny.

Forming bureaucratic agencies
numerous enough to fill a fat
metropolitan telephone book
was the ultimate dream solution,
but such a formation magnitude
was beholden to pragmatism
that said they may as well settle in
for a slow stroll across Nebraska.

opening section of another story-poem that will never come to completion

Will we discover evidence
when we enter into that place?
So inquired the lieutenant
fresh out of the academy
built for training a moral core
able and eager to squelch flesh
philosophies that long ago
corrupted golden traditions,
but at last (or alas for they
who assumed they could continue
to do as their ancestors did)
the mystical pendulum swung

from that which for so long was to that
which for a dark and humor-free age
had to be. All pleasures had to come
under microscopic scrutiny.
Forming bureaucratic agencies
numerous enough to fill a fat
metropolitan telephone book
was the ultimate dream solution,
but such a formation magnitude
was beholden to pragmatism
that said they may as well settle in
for a slow stroll across Nebraska.

I trust we all agree general drollery
ought to occupy our upper priorities
as forward we march to restore true decency,
spoke an architectural patriarch back then
(in rhetoric this voice had gifts in abundance,
rising as a beacon stout enough to withstand
as many lashes and blasts as a hurricane
foe boasting a dizzying array of techno
weaponry wizardry may care or dare to deal,
and many an oratory hobbyist knew
dreams of riveting from podiums had to die,
so the man with oral magic could lead the way).

If I Could Draw 1

If I could draw
I’d star a meandering man
(and he’d obviously be
perusing destinations
listed at a station – be it bus
or train or whatnot – public

means being the point; my
cartoon man would like me
be a bit rumpled in the wardrobe
and often mistaken for
harboring a standoffish air.
The agent behind the booth mesh
wakes with a sharp bark he who

forgot he was not lounging on
the cloud of a couch set on a porch
formed from soft plastic and warps
easily and for the sheer enjoyment
that meaningless warping
inherently is. Realizes
the agent behind the booth mesh asks

where our meandering man intends
to travel to, so there can be
an issuing of a ticket.
Honestly I am a bit stuck
says the meandering man.
Something about all destinations
attract me but I see I must choose

one or not go anywhere at all.
Too bad you haven’t a program
that would reward an adventurer
by allowing wide allowance
in the arena of choices.
Ah but we do have such a program, said
the agent behind the booth mesh. Buy one

special ticket, proceed to the platform,
and you can hop on whichever vessel
that most appeals – maybe strike up a chat
or simply snatch a snack and sit
and observe and listen; these folks
are going there and those folks are
bound for this world’s other end.

2014 #332

by the way
coercing otherwise
independent components
to do what goes against
the conscience – which takes a component
out of the component world,
but we understand terms

enjoy fullest flexibility
at least up here on this
shady hill, well what I mean
to touch on other than the gal
who pours our wine which will go on
later on, but what is wanting
to be known is the component

that is not really a component
that pushing such – be it true
component or untrue
component into a position
most likely to use practically
a whole crayon from the red
section in red colorization

– guess it could be called a cardinal
red – but the species is not important
just the idea that the red
is supposed to evoke a symbolic
mortal shame – well what I’m trying to say
is that kind of act generally
doesn’t fly, not up here on this hill

where all that is shady
holds arms always open
in welcome – shoot, you notice
we never installed welcome
matting? Don’t need to. Never did
need to. All this shady
atmosphere up on this hill,

all the trees holding their hardwood
limbs out in welcome to all?
Well sure I generalized
right there. No offense to the pines.
Oh make no mistake. If you don’t mind
a touch of sticky pine sap
getting in your hair or – that’s why

we recommend hats – folks
who’ve never visited say
we’re so strict about dress codes.
Strict? Up here on this hill
where all is shady? Hey try that nonsense
on the city people.
City people believe anything.

2014 #331

Well you got that right.
for our generation.
How we managed to build

these earthen lands in the sky so we
forget we reside on what
our ancestors gazed in awe
at and sometimes wired a prayer

or three to just in case someone
might be able to help in times of need;
but this fella, this tale’s hero – well we’ll see
how heroic he turns out to be,

but for now the seed of heroism
– it’s at least planted – can’t see
why anyone could disagree
there – well anyway the space

he called his burrow in the ground
was not yet discovered by the wrong
people which we’ve already noted
that by the time the few free

individuals that were left
found places to hide as long
as they could – well we know that –
how free is a man if he

is put in a position
of having to surrender
to tyranny or to keep
himself hidden because – well

I was getting to that – because
either way he is not able
to be his natural self,
like he can’t interrupt one of his women

while she clears a breakfast table
and she’s wearing a slight scent of butter,
like some of us did this morning,
and help ourselves to our just desserts

if I can say it that way, but like
I was trying to get to, the place
he’d made his burrow in the ground
was not yet discovered and he

had to assume or we would assume
he had to assume it was only a matter
of time until those wrong people
did discover his burrow in the ground.

2014 #330

Not only was our hero low
on propane but he was low on tea.
Coffee went to the land of all
that was all gone close to a month before.
Don’t think it was easy to keep

memories of coffee out of his
imagination. Dared not permit
entertainment of coffee’s basic
essence we took for granted this morning
while our women cleared the breakfast

table. Can’t say exactly how close
the coffee he knew resembled
the coffee we know; imagine they knew
brute strength of the feel and the smell,
not to speak of the rich taste when brewed strong,

poured for those who found the coarse less
offensive than they came to decree it be,
going so far as to consider it uncivil.
Well we have wandered a bit away from the tea
but the point wanting to be made is he

wasn’t a tea or coffee guy but a tea
and coffee guy and there was a time
– he’d known a time – maybe I skimmed
too thinly the pertinence about the swiftness
of the changes – the freedoms he’d taken

for granted – we’ve begun the same
if I may brave an editorial
conjecture – what we’re trying to get to
is he once had an easy choice
or the fact that some days choosing was

a complicated luxury
as he had no prejudices between
tea and coffee but when he began
to pour that hot water for his tea
he had to erect an emergency

bulwark against not only memories
of coarse black coffee but the fact
that he wasn’t far from reminiscing
on the taste and sensation of a good
cup of hot tea. Nothing fancy

like a mint or herbal but just a good
old all around pekoe standard.
Not far from relying – being thankful –
he’d burrowed into a world in the ground
that could bless him with muddy drippings.

2014 #329

Well goodness
look at the pile of shavings
we made while on that detour.
Suppose it’s getting close
to supper. But where were we?

About how he made the fire
disappear. Yeah that’s pretty much
what he did. Made the fire disappear
and poured the hot water into his tin
cup – well it’s the best cup he had

in that situation – dented
as it was and buddy that fella’s
tin cup had multiple dents – what kind
of water? well water? No it wouldn’t be
well water. But what is well water

but tapped water and this was water
that ran under the ground. That’s where he was,
under the ground, or in the ground,
like we were saying. Heh. Firewater?
Well by then he’d probably appreciate

a taste of some old-fashioned, homebrewed,
firewater, and maybe if the idea
was to spin a long yarn we could say
somehow he knew magical ways
to turn his water into firewater,

except one of the things he had going
for him, maybe one of the attributes
that helped him remain alive
was he’d have to know he could not
– this wasn’t the time to toy

with intoxication
of any kind. So no
afraid the water he poured – and he had
to appreciate he could still get
his water to pour hotly

and that couldn’t last either because
he had only the one propane tank
and the supply was limited
and to get it refilled – well that meant
exposing himself and exposing

himself to the wrong people
wasn’t a good idea and the times
he found himself in meant pretty much
all the people were the wrong
people. Why he’d risk everything.

2014 #328

this morning’s mist
brings to mind the time
granddad told about
that morning he went at it
with a contingency from a savage
tribe intending to enslave
him and his brood of which were a pair
of daughters beginning to bloom

which needs no elaboration
about what those savages
had in mind for their enslaved roles.
He’d been showing them edible
roots next to a creek on the edge
of where they’d pioneered and cleared
a few firs for a cozy cabin and –
didn’t they know they were in

forbidden territory?
of course they knew – except they didn’t use
that word. Lawless. Imagine
they used that word – assuming
they had that luxury of spare time
to worry about best words.
Well this is what is often
overlooked when critics criticize.

The other side, the world where they’d come from,
that was a much worse world in the way
they’d gone crazy with laws. Granddad said
that wasn’t living, if you had a law
breathing down your neck no matter
what you aimed to do, so that’s what pushed him
to pack his people and brave
what you call forbidden territory

2014 #310

then Glossary sat up
or tried to sit up but Reality
Patrol or no Reality Patrol
hovering in a helicopter
Glossary was yet a wounded
reference and here the luscious
kitchen wench rushed to Glossary’s
bedside and settled on the mattress

where Glossary had strength for a scoot
though a wince insisted on screwing
Glossary’s cover and the cottage wench
brandishing her buxom bosom her peasant
blouse glorified laid her hand tenderly
on her patient while turning to History
who’d now taken shape though too hazy
a shape to find a handy simile

much less deftly use the handy simile
on such short notice and said, “if you don’t mind
diversifying for a bit you could run
to the basin in the kitchen and bring me
warm water and a damp cloth or a cloth
I can wring after dipping it in the basin’s
warm water, some combination like that
so I may begin my nursing chores.”

“Chores! Nursing chores! My God! Have you forgotten
already your line about what we all hate
and have you not heard the megaphone above us?
We need more than a warm cloth. We need a tunnel.
Have you a secret tunnel beneath your cottage?”
“You’ve some nerve – I know you’ve been around
a long time but you do have some nerve,
trying to pry as you pry into my private

properties. But yes. A secret – I do not care
for calling it a tunnel – a secret passageway
happens to exist beneath… my cottage.”
“May I assume it is over there
where I see that thatched corner is?”
“You really do not endear yourself
very well. I can see why you’ve had problems
over the years. I recall now why I never

cared much for History and you did
appear in this cottage without ringing
or knocking. Rather rude. More than rather rude.
But yes where the thatch is – I will open it
while you heft our patient and we will all – though
if you detected my secret thatch I don’t see
how they who hover will not detect it and….
oh can’t you delete the Reality Patrol?”

2014 #309

Back at the cottage
whose occupants were happily
involved with scenes feeling best
for their sake, History just trying to do
its purpose it happened to not at all detest,
otherwise it would’ve signed up for a post
outside humanity, but Histories had it
harder these days though blackouts
were on the rise, had seen a steady
escalation, as were resentment
instances, which was why History’s downcast

recoil blurted what it blurted
about why should Surprise bother to say it came
to bestow bounty in presents
when it could fill out a form and become
another numbered member and pitch in
at the bar every other Saturday
dance which used to be weekly
but rescheduling staggered, thanks to
too many incidences a drunk was at fault
and perfectionist tendency moles
were already nesting in the pantry

behind the institutional cans of lard
and from there the rats were not far behind
and they’d already begun to infiltrate
helicopter classes and learned the alphabet.
Perfect stooges. Sure. Recruit the animal
kingdom. Reality Patrol. Some sick name.
Probably had the fifty caliber
pointed straight at the cottage’s thatched roof.
Didn’t think they’d find us all the way out here.
History stopped cold. Kitchen wench
looked like she couldn’t believe she’d not been

alone with Glossary. So did Glossary,
meaning Glossary was looking at History
but not for the same reason, Glossary
knowing History’s presence all along,
communicating telepathically,
and just hoped the affair with his kitchen wench
could flower soon as History finished
its presentation. Around then History
finally fixed the awkward silence problem,
though awkward silence was the least of their problems.
“Sorry. Didn’t realize I became so apparent.”