Sweaters for June

Gurus would say this is self-inflicted,
but this piece wishes to ignore gurus.
Alas, it is the best word, gurus is.
Nor does this piece care to skid into muck,
or maybe veer; this piece would rather not veer
into muck and this muck is not at all
generality though it stands a chance
at qualifying for symbolism,
though far from the center; nearer fringes.

Somewhere over those briefly greening hills
is a city where eroticism
sets the happy tone with each sunny morn.
Parks rich in clover and grass; blankets free
for the asking; climate is probably
a bit balmier and gets those moist beads
floating languid if not sticking to knees,
in other or better words: conducive.
A tale must build that sort of city here.

With or Without Effort It is Good

Skimming is no crime. If the dish
goes down sumptuous enough
to smack a lip and rub a tum
and if such satisfaction came
from shaving roguish outgrowth
that formed hazardous bushes
and calling it salad supreme,
needs collecting with bowing heads
are inflicted without cause.

However, once an idea
flicks the switch of the sniffer,
rows of lamps erstwhile dormant
blast the chambers with promises
that for furthering the riches
gustatory and textural
the push must not turn mushy
but pressure firm and steady
guarantees mind-blowing rewards.

yesterday’s reminder lesson

arrangement really makes a difference
and liberty knows a flow like a stream
which course objects haven’t weight to impede,
meaning little is easier to say
than this about arrangement importance.

Randomly choosing an unfinished tale,
when along sauntered a sentence that read
well enough: she violated the rule about blouse
buttons. Informative enough, yes. Then came this:
She violated the blouse button rule.

self pep talk

You have your ballpoint ink
and you have your fountain pen ink.
You have good old graphite sticks
and don’t forget the good old charcoal sticks.
How about them verbs
and the nouns that do things with those verbs.
How about all kinds of lines,
short and sharp, long and shapely lines.

So your snags are synthetic now.
Sure eating is a joy
but think about pixels
just waiting for a stylus
to play with them – stroke them.
Think about shifting gears, mister,
mosey to the depot,
hop on the late train.
Ride, ride, ride, pick a dot,
exit, enter, meander absent of cares.

side note

Wouldn’t it be funny if those crows this morning
really were discussing where they should grab a bite?
A pair did hang around in the summer; ate corn;
bet they’re part of a clan, and maybe made a deal
with feathered forms elsewhere; or maybe they’ve a route
fashioned for daily need; days, eves, framing airways.

more from the morning crows

“Further details do not apply to you,
not meaning to imply or outright say
you intruded though you did kinda poke
your nose where it need not go poking,”
the crow cable continued, and as
the addressee poet read he need not reach
deep within to see what was the clearest

truth for the least of the poetic
souls to see, and so he knew the crows
in themselves were not evil as true
evil often lives in temples built by hands
that swear they are to heaven dedicated,
head to toe, heart and soul, but this never
intended to explore existential

concepts or get lost in a forest
riddled with rabbit holes, as a crow cable
offers quite enough playground space,
or ought to offer as much, assuming such
a space does not attempt existence
where buffaloes caught in frenzy roam
– forget about a set for cool swingers –

by now the crow scene – or more like snippet
or a twig plucked from a vignette – has flown
a good half a day away – nature
only knows how many amazing scenes
popped open like eager meadow blossoms
since the autumn sun entered and then ducked
out for the usual global samples.

“You might be surprised, oh so-called human,
how many episodes play in many
a concretely real nest that feature guess
who, so travails, tribulations, and joys,
why heck, some of us know your lines by heart.
By the way the two of us in the air
are lifelong buds; scouting for a diner.”

Taking a sip from his nightly green tea,
the would-be-poetic-type let his head
softly nod, since memory could not find
a file suggesting a time of reading
a more sensible explanation.
And to think it was written by a pair
of local crows flapping a soggy sky.

crows reply

moments later a cable bristling heat
of a youthful heart landed in
the presumptive poet’s ethereal
postal box, proving that indeed in a way
words and deeds do ricochet or in layman
lingo news gets around – the message
did not contain a statement so explicit
but if a crow or crows wrote it the lesson
could be considered implicit

and this was not an If but fact concrete
– the dirty scrawl extolled the depth
of appreciation and frankly
significant pangs of flattery
that a couple of humble mountain crows
as they were noticed on this routine morn
if a bit of an extra foggy one.
Not merely noted but given some small
spotlight action. “You did okay in a way,”

commended the crow cable, but it had
only just begun, continuing with,
“and thank goodness you knew not our names.
Had you known our names and used them, oh man,
we would have to make life nightmarish for you.”
Just as the reader wondered how a crow
could make a poet’s life nightmarish,
the text went on to say, “we would begin
with making you the butt of all bird jokes.”